The Ultimate Board Game for Travel Enthusiasts, Airline Aficionados, or Aspiring Moguls

Flight Plan: Fly to exotic and intriguing places while attempting to build an airline empire. 

Players must use their wits and cunning to dominate a tough global industry. 

But wait! Daily briefings insert an element of chance that could ground even the best strategy.

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A special Launch Limited Edition was created for Kickstarter. All VIPs are guarantied this version. 

We're launching soon!

Owning Fleets and Routes or Hubs Are Keys to Winning

A winning combination of assets is what you need to soar over your competition. Flight Plan includes:

  • A game board with 100 routes serving 57 international destinations.
  • 100 route cards for you to play with and add to your network.
  • 15 cities designated as hubs that you can develop, and;
  • 5 fleet types that enable you to generate revenue from your network.

How to Play Flight Plan:

After setup and sorting out the first move, game play is easy.

1. Collect revenue on the routes you own, as long as your fleet and route types match.

2. Draw a Daily Briefing Card and hope for the best.

3. Then, chose to:

Buy. Purchase any single, unowned route that originates or terminates from your current location. 

Fly and buy. Fly an active route to a new destination and purchase a single, unowned route. 

Fly and fly. Fly two routes. Upon arrival at the destination of your second leg, you cannot purchase a new route. 

Buy to fly. Purchase a single new fleet in addition to one of the above actions. 

Hub it. Develop a new hub in addition to one of the above actions. . 

Negotiate. Haggle with other players to buy their assets. 

Do nothing. Play passes to the left. 


The Playing Cards and Game Board Design Are Unique, Colorful, and Global

We strived for realism and whimsy. Every piece of artwork and design on the game board and cards is original and specifically designed for the game. 

Just like our game, the designers we hired to bring Flight Plan to life span the globe from Romania and the UK to Brazil.

The Three Winning Strategies

Global Dominators
win by connecting all
six regions with a single
connected network.

Regional Rambos
win by owning all
short-haul routes 
in two regions.

Traffic Controllers
win by developing and 
owning hubs in 
three different regions.

Daily Briefing Cards Introduce the Element of Chance

From CFOs with sticky fingers to global pandemics these daily briefings will challenge your ability to keep your airline aloft or could give you the chance to soar past your competition.

With So Many Ways to Win, It Won’t Play the Same Twice. 

Play again and again... and again. We developed Flight Plan to never collect dust. 

As you race across the globe you will be surprised at the variety of route and fleet combinations you'll acquire to connect your network and win the game. 

Kickstarter VIP Exclusive

A special Launch Limited Edition was created for Kickstarter. As a VIP, your $1 reserves one. It has an expanded game board with additional routes, additional daily briefings, and more ways to win. All VIPs are guarantied this version. 

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